четверг, 14 января 2010 г.
They trust each other
People in the village are people of peculiar kind. They are people of that kind that will soon disappear from this world. They have no thirstiness for money and image and social status and the whole material stuff people of city are possessed with. Sure, they also need money and they make those but they never recognize it as something that makes them more precious people. As a rule, there are never too much people in the village and they know each other well. They know each other good and they know they can trust each other. Trust makes all those relations people have, those people who live in the village. They have the fabulous ability to trust people and with the trust they have they keep this value alive. They know each other well and they would never dare to betray each other. This is the main merit of people from village and at the same time it is the main weakness of them. It is okay to be of that kind when they are in the world of the same people but it is impossible to act like that when they face polarities-people.